- Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B)
- Scheduling & Administration
- Meningococcal ACWY
- For People with Risk Factors
- Meningococcal B
- For People with Risk Factors
- Vaccine Recommendations
My 36-year-old patient was diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and had a splenectomy three weeks ago. Prior to the splenectomy, he had one dose each of Hib, MenB, PCV15, MenACWY (Menveo), and PPSV23 (separated from the PCV15 by 9 weeks). What vaccines are recommended now?
Since the patient is asplenic, the second dose of the primary series of MenACWY should be given at least 8 weeks after the first dose. He will need a dose of MenACWY every 5 years for the rest of his life. The series of MenB (whether Trumenba or Bexsero) should be completed. The first booster dose of MenB will be due one year after completion of the primary series and subsequent booster doses are recommended every 2–3 years for the rest of his life. The same MenB vaccine should be used for all doses in the series, including booster doses. People who receive Trumenba brand MenB vaccine have an option to receive MenABCWY (Penbraya, Pfizer) when both MenACWY and MenB vaccines are due at the same visit, as long as doses of Penbraya are spread out by at least 6 months. The patient has already received the one dose of PCV15 recommended for adults, so no further doses are needed. He also has properly received his first dose of PPSV at least 8 weeks after the dose of PCV15. No additional doses of pneumococcal vaccination are recommended at this time. Based on the patient’s age, only one dose of Hib vaccine is recommended, so no further doses are needed. The patient should receive influenza vaccine annually.
Any of these vaccines can be given at the same appointment, except for PCV15 and PPSV23.