The Becky Payne Award provides recognition and financial support to stellar immunization advocates who display initiative and innovation in promoting vaccination.
About Becky Payne

Becky Payne was the first full-time staff member at IAC in 1994 when we received a grant that enabled us to open an office and distribute our immunization education materials nationally. She and I worked long days, closely, and as dear friends. Looking back, I am convinced that without Becky, IAC would not be what it is today.
In 2011, Becky died unexpectedly following surgery. Her competence, professionalism, sense of humor, grace, and tireless dedication to supporting IAC operations, from the day we opened our doors and through the years and days right before her untimely death, were critical to every aspect of IAC’s immunization education and advocacy.
Deborah L. Wexler, MD
Founder and Executive Director Emerita
2022 Award Recipient presented the 2022 Becky Payne Award to the Association of Immunization Managers (AIM).
AIM was founded in 1999 to support the leaders of 64 CDC-recognized state, local, and territorial immunization programs in their efforts to ensure that people of all ages and throughout the nation are protected against vaccine-preventable diseases.
Since its inception, AIM has provided a unified voice for working with key partners in the development of national vaccine policy.
The organization also has provided a unique forum for immunization program managers to learn from one another, confront challenges, and achieve success.
Their efforts to support efficient, accessible, and equitable vaccine distribution were particularly crucial during the era of COVID-19.
Past Award Recipient

In 2018, IAC (now presented the inaugural Becky Payne Award to Vaccinate Your Family: The Next Generation of Every Child By Two (now Vaccinate Your Family).
Founded as Every Child By Two in 1991, Vaccine Your Family’s mission promotes immunization for people of all ages, using social media to increase the public’s understanding of the benefits of vaccines, raising awareness of the need for timely immunization, and enhancing confidence in the safety of vaccines.
In addition to its extraordinary work in educating the public, Vaccinate Your Family is also a leader in guiding state and national vaccine policy.
We recognize Vaccinate Your Family, especially for its strong policy voice.
Have Questions?

For more information about the Becky Payne Award, please contact:
Julie Murphy, MA
Director of Development
Phone: 651-647-9009